What to Expect?

The initial session begins with a review of your current state of wellness as well as any past or on-going issues. 

While you are lying, fully clothed on the treatment table, the practitioner uses light touch to make contact at various locations, such as the feet, places along the spine, sacrum (tail bone) and head.  The therapist follows the priorities of your body by contacting specific areas that show restrictions.

The pace of the treatment always aligns with what your body is able to process. Permission and acknowledgement are asked throughout a session, as safety and comfort are essential.  Any sensations or feelings arising during the treatment are explored and used to deepen the therapeutic process, the awareness of feeling into your own system.   

Change and reconnection through your body and mind happens as you slow down and come back into relationship with yourself. 

Pricing & Timing

The first session is approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes, as it includes a review of your health history.  

Regular treatment sessions are booked hourly or every hour and a half.

Adult rate:                $ 115/hour session, $165/ hour and a half
Mom & Baby rate:     $ 90/ hour session, $140/ hour and a half
Child rate:                $ 70 / 30 minutes to 45 minutes

Referral Bonus:  Refer a friend or family member and receive 50% off your next treatment

We are dynamic living organisms that are growing over 222 billion new cells a day.   We are constantly shifting, changing and adapting to our environment, emotional response, and physical experiences. This happens with a coordination of multiple systems interacting within our bodies.